Sunday, February 22, 2009

Close Your Eyes and I'll Kiss You... Tomorrow I'll Miss You...

So we have arrived home safe and sound. I already told you guys all about leaving the orphanage, so all we had to do from there was leave Africa. Our last day was fun. We decided to head to the beach and go out for dinner. However, Jen changed her plans. She wasn't feeling well so she left the beach and skipped on dinner. I, however, nicely burnt my stomach (the only day I burn and its the day I'm jumping on the plane to go home). But, Jen had it worse. She decided to start throwing up five hours before our flight. So I got to pack up the remainder of her stuff, force as many liquids as I could on her and rush off to the airport. There we got a wheelchair for her to get her to the plane. Isn't that sweet, we got to end our trip just how we started it... with Jen needing a wheelchair and a pukebag. Fun Fun. So, Jen and I got on the plane... we took off... Jen decided to recline her seat and try to get some sleep. There was our second hurdle of the night. The interesting Dutch couple behind us. Jen put her seat back and ended up with whip lash. The lady behind her had grabbed her chair and shook it until it was back up right. Jen was feeling horrible so she just gave me a look like "what just happened?". So I told her to try again while I watched the lady out of the corner of my eye to see what was going on. The exact same thing happened. So I turned around, gave her a big smile, and asked for her permission, pretty much, for Jen to put her chair back. She was a very grumpy old women with an even grumpier husband. She told me she didn't speak English (In English) and so I turned to her husband. I explained that Jen was very sick and was wondering if she could put her chair back a little (since the man in front of her had his chair back and the lady behind her had her chair back, it only made sense). He replied, "My wife is sick too," with a smirk (looking like he didn't believe me, which shouldn't have mattered anyways, she should be allowed to put her seat back whether she's sick or not. We weren't asking for special treatment.) Then his wife hit him on the arm and told him to ignore me. So they both leaned back and pretended to sleep (in their reclined chairs). I tried to get their attention a couple more times before giving up. So Jen and I discussed our options. I couldn't switch with her, because the man was sitting behind me, and I wanted to put my chair back too anyways. So I turned around and tried to get their attention one more time. By now they weren't pretending to sleep anymore, they were both wide awake, so it was easy to make eye contact. I got the ladies attention and asked her very politely, still with a big smile on my face, if they minded switching with Jen and I. Then Jen could put her seat back without it bothering this women. She gave me a really annoyed look and then said "Just put the seat back, but only this much (and held up her hands to show about half a foot)." We decided that was the best offer we were going to get so we took it. I just can't believe how selfcentered some people can be. And how polite you have to be back to them, while they treat you like crap, just to get permission for something they don't really have a say over in the first place. I was a little annoyed, to say the least. But I will never know the circumstances that lead to that incident. So I shouldn't judge. I don't know anything about the couple, I might have just caught them on a bad day. And I hope that whenever I get caught on a bad day that people will still have some patience with me. So hopefully things looked up for them.

So we survived the flight to Amsterdam. Jen was feeling better by then, and the plane food hadn't been that appetizing, so we went and bought some pizza. We had a 5 or 6 hour delay, don't remember. But by the time we were getting on our flight to Minneapolis, I wasn't feeling so hot either. I just had a sore throat though. But it was one of those sore throats that it feels bruised and so you can't swallow anything, not even your own spit. It was probably from the planes air conditioning. Air on planes is always so stale and dry. Anyways, about 3 hours in to our plane ride home I started to feel worse. I got a migrane (so I put my sunglasses on even though the cabin lights were out, I think people thought I was a little strange), and my throat was worse, I had an ear ache (both ears), and all my joints were aching, especially my lower back and hips and knees, I had hot flashes, and cold flashes, and sensitive skin. But Jen got the flight attendant to bring me two advil, so by the time we landed I atleast felt funcitonal again. The problem was, my right ear wouldn't pop. So we landed in Minneapolis.. and it has popped a little but not completely. Then we got on our plane to Winnipeg and it wouldn't really pop on the way up or down. So I've had a pretty decent ear ache since then. However, my ear did finally pop on Friday. And I'm still recovering from this cold, but feeling better everyday. What did I really expect going from 30C to -30C?

But all is good now. Jen and I landed safely, with our families waiting to pick us up. It was great to see everybody. I headed home, and showed my family the thousands of pictures that I have of the children. I probably told them a thousand stories to match the photos. I couldn't stop talking about the children. It was so hard to leave them, and I thought that it would be easier now that I'm home, but it's not. I see now, what a lasting impact those 26 children have had on my life.

It was such a great experience. I have to thank everyone, again, for all the support I got. Whether you were just reading my blog and staying interested in what I was doing, or whether you were praying for Jen and myself, or whether you supported me financially. All of that had such a huge impact on my trip, and on the success of my trip. I just want to thank you one more time. The trip really wouldn't have been the same with out you all. So Thank You.

*This is Jen taking a quick nap between flights. (It was nice to actually lay down to sleep)

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