Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Quick Apology

So first, I will try to post something new tomorrow. I have a lot more stories to tell. But I don't quite have the time right now. However, I was just skimming over some of my other posts and I have to make a quick apology. Apparently I haven't been proof reading my posts. So my apologies that most of them are in broken English. I swear English is my first langauge... actually my only language. I'll hopefully get to go over those tomorrow as well and fix them up a little. Please don't judge me, haha.

Anyways, hope everything is going well. Everything is awesome on this end. I'm getting sad that I am coming home soon. It's going to be so hard to leave. But I am missing you all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda,
    I'm so glad you guys are coming home. What crazy adventures the two of you will have for your entire lives. Be safe and hurry home.
